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Freezing Steam Coil 2010-10-19
I need to install an air preheater for an air cooled exchanger such that the winter air here in Northern Alberta is preheated to avoid over cooling of the process fluid. If i install a steam bundle,
Best Design for an Outside Steam Vent 2010-10-19
We currently run a steam ejector to evacuate an evaporator system. The exhaust for the ejector is vented out the wall horizontally, and sprays steam and condensate all over. I am going to turn the v
wet steam thru orifice 2010-10-18
Why would engineers use a perfect gas formulation to determine flow rate of saturated steam (inital state) that will pass through an orifice?
Size steam coil 2010-10-18
Need to size a water tank heating coil to prevent icing. I evaluated the heat load of the tank and get the heat transfer coefficient between pipe and water. One question is how to get the temperature
Steam Leak Calculations 2010-10-18
I am working to justify repairing steam leaks in the plant. Can anyone help me with a calculation method or table to determine the rate of steam loss through leaks to atmosphere? Would RO calculatio
Shanghai MeiYan Yi Pump & Valve Co., Ltd.
MeiYan Yi steam trap valve Contact MeiYan Yi
Shanghai Enine Pump & Valve Co., Ltd.
Enine steam trap valve Contact Enine
Shanghai Saitai Pump & Valve CO., Lid.
Saitai steam trap valve Contact Saitai
Shanghai Fengqi Industrial Development Co., Ltd.
FengQi steam trap valve Contact FengQi