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Steam loss through failed steam trap calculation 2010-10-15
I've come across various examples of calculating the steam loss, with the most common being:
Steam Loss (lb/hr) = 24.24 * Orifice Diameter^2 * PSIA
Reboiler Steam Flow Control 2010-10-15
However, I recently saw a P&ID which showed the flow control valve in the condensate line, but with the flow element still in the steam line. I suppose this has the advantage of making the valve small
Floatation material for a float valve 2010-10-14
How do I make a closed cell foam (rigid) to use as a float to operate a level control valve (diesel fuel) ?
Air compressor auto drain help? 2010-10-14
There's a problem is this, the compressor in the link comes with a manual drain tap / plug (underneath) which must be opened every 24hrs to drain condensate from the tank.
Oversized steam traps? 2010-10-14
I am pondering the consequence of oversizing a steam trap. I can understand why an undersized steam trap would be problematic, i.e. backing condensate into your steam header. But what would an oversiz