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Steam Hammer 2010-10-22
I assume the slope of piping on submarines changes as the vessel navigates. Where steam piping is installed, how is the piping designed to prevent steam hammer when the steam and condensate flow can
Cause of water hammer in a trap header? 2010-10-22
I have a trap header that receives condensate from several different steam traps (220 to 240 F condensate temperature). Fluid from the header goes through a vertical rise of 8 feet and eventually dis
Deaerator Vent Steam Recovery 2010-10-21
We are evaluating a proposal to recover most of the small amount of steam that vents with the non condensible gases from a deaerator. The feed is about 50% preheated city water and 50% recovered conde
Condensate Return System 2010-10-21
I have designed a fuel oil heating system using 15 bar superheated (190
Kettle Reboiler Duty Swings 2010-10-21
The kettle reboiler in our Deethanizer tower has a pretty consistent swing that has been a mystery for the past 20 years. The steam to the reboiler is controlled by Tray 2 of the tower. Every ten min