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Bonnet Bleed Valve 2010-10-26
We have multiple valves thoughout the plant that has a smaller bonnet bleed valve. The question came up as to what postion these valves should be in. Does one leave the valve open at all times; or do
Check Valve for Low Pressure 2010-10-26
I am looking for a 12" check valve for Methane at low pressure. Pressure of line is 8" Water column. It is a Biogas installation.
Any idea???
Seat Damage in Ball Valve 2010-10-25
I have had several ball valves fail because the seat "extrudes" when we close the valve on 150# saturated steam service. When closing the valve, the ball lip graps part of the seat and deforms seat,
Calculating amount of steam required 2010-10-25
I'm trying to determine the amount of steam required to heat a water tank on our plant. How many pounds of 30 psig steam are needed to heat 1000 gallons of water from 70F to 160F?
and how do you calcu
Flash Steam Condenser 2010-10-25
All the plants at the site where I work have atmospheric condensate collection drums. The flash steam from the drum is condensed by either a CW exchanger, or a fin fan. Neither type of system seems to