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Hammering in a condensate controlled reboiler 2010-10-27
We have a reboiler with no control valve in steam (25 psig), and control valve in the condensate drainage, so the duty is controlled by flooding and unflooding the shell, so the exposed area.
Best Design for an Outside Steam Vent 2010-10-27
We currently run a steam ejector to evacuate an evaporator system. The exhaust for the ejector is vented out the wall horizontally, and sprays steam and condensate all over.
Recovery of steam from condensate flash drum 2010-10-27
The medium pressure(14 barg) condensate in this refinery is sent to a condensate flash drum for recovery of low pressure(3.5 barg) steam.
Cause of water hammer in a trap header? 2010-10-26
I have a trap header that receives condensate from several different steam traps (220 to 240 F condensate temperature).Fluid from the header goes through a vertical rise of 8 feet and eventually disch
DOH Cam Head Design 2010-10-26
A student I am working with is designing a four valve head for a 3.5 Hp Briggs engine. We are planning to make the head in three parts.