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Expansion Loops on pipe rack 2010-11-08
Info required on how to calculate expansion loops in a steam line on a pipe rack and also determining forces due to pipe expansion on anchor bay etc.
Upper velocity limit for two-pase steam 2010-11-08
Need some opinions/counsel/suggestions/insults on the upper velocity limit for saturated (two-phase) steam.
System in question is 50 psig, 65% quality, dirty steam. Rates are 8000-45000 lbm/hr. I am
Steam Jet Ejector Condenser Performance 2010-11-08
I have a 3-stage steam jet air ejector system that produces vacuum for a process. The two inter-condensers are direct contact, not surface.
what is the meaning of "No Loop Or Do Not Pocket"? 2010-11-08
No Loop Or Do Not Pocket in terms of pipelines - are they same meaning? in that case why used in different occasions? Pls. clarify
tube glass, mawp? thickness? 2010-11-05
We have a stand for fluid steam demostration. There is steam traps with glass body and steel. I need know "theorical" equation for determinate the thickness o allowable pressure in a tube (cylindrical