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Steam Hammer Prevention 2011-02-17
I assume the slope of piping on submarines changes as the vessel navigates. Where steam piping is installed, how is the piping designed to prevent steam hammer when the steam and condensate flow can
Valve interlocking 2011-02-16
I'm trying to mechanically interlock three small 3/8" valves so that only one of the three is available at any one time. This is three gas supplies to a piece of small equipment, which are subsequentl
Valve to throttle flow in a force main 2011-02-15
I have a grinder pump station where an automatic sampler will be required to sample the effluent from the station. Since the sampler needs "non pressurized" flow and a stream of about 15gpm, the manu
VCRU expansion valve qu 2011-02-14
We are building a Vapor Compression Refrigeration Unit to cool a simulated, scaled-up electronic chip (cold plate with heater assembly on surface).
Engine Compression vs. Exhaust Gas Temp? 2011-02-12
Given the same motor, same fuel (high enough octane to be compatible with the higher C/R) and different compression ratios (let's say one is 8.5:1 and the other is 10.5:1).