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Test of deluge system ? 2010-11-17
I'm contacting you as I have visit your site on the internet and it might be that you could help or guide me to solve the problems mentioned below.
Best Diameter of Pipe 2010-11-17
I am wondering what the best diameter of pipe is for a given volume flow rate. I understand that conductors are sized based on flow velocity, surface roughness etc. but I have read that fluid frictio
How do you deal with Pipe Expansion Underground? 2010-11-17
I'm working on a project where the client wants to run an 8" sch.40 C.Stl. buried pipeline approx. 10 miles. This is a hot commodity with operating temp.s between 140 to 195 Deg.s F, pressure around 9
Valve sizing + heat exchanger 2010-11-17
We are trying to size a control valve to feed an heat exchanger. The inlet pressure is 100 psig for a flowrate estimated at 195 lb/hr. What is the rule or how can I figure the dP
Maximum Allowable Hydro Test Pressures on Valves 2010-11-17
I am working for a company that wants me to setup a Chart. It is so they can give to contractors to tell them what maximum valve class they are allowed to use for hydrotest purposes.