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The steam trap terminology, marks, structural length


This standard stimulates term structure, and the general requirements of the structural length and symbol of the mechanical type, hot static force type and thermodynamic model steam trap.
This standard applies to PN16 ~ 160, DN15-150 steam trap.
2 normative references files
The following documents by the terms of this standard reference and become the standard terms. All the reference documents dated, its all subsequent revision sheet (not including errata content) or revision is applicable to the standard, however, encourage the standard according to the agreement of the parties can use these files are studied to the latest version. Anyone who doesn't dated reference documents, the latest version applicable to this standard.
GB/T12247 steam trap classification (GB/T12247-1989, 1982) idtISO6704:
3 term
The following term and definition is applicable to this standard.
3.1 pressure related term
3.1.1 maximum allowable pressure
Under a given temperature, steam trap shell can lastingly bear the highest pressure.
3.1.2 operating pressure
in the working conditions, steam trap imports pressure
maximum operating pressure
In the correct operating conditions, the maximum imported pressure of the steam trap, it is given from factory.
minimum operating pressure
In the correct action situations, the lowest pressure of import inlet of the steam trap.
operating backpressure
In working conditions, the outlet-end pressure of the steam trap
maximum operating backpressure
In the highest working under pressure, can correct action when the maximum pressure outlet-end steam trap
rate of backpressure
Percent of the working backpressure and the working pressure
maximum rate of backpressure
operating differential pressure
The highest working pressure with the highest percentage of work pressure
maximum differential pressure
The maximum difference value of pressure of work and working backpressure
minimum differential pressure
The minimum difference value of pressure of work and working backpressure
3.2 temperature related term
operating temperature
In working conditions, the inlet-end temperature ofthe steam trap
maximum operating temperature
With the highest working pressure corresponding saturated temperature
maximum allowable temperature
In working conditions, the highest temperature the steam trap can durably bear.
opening valve temperature
Under the drainage temperature test, the inlet-end temperature when the steam trap opens.
closing valve temperature
Under the drainage temperature test, the inlet-end temperature when the steam trap closes.
temperature at discharging condensate
The temperature when the hot condensed water can constantly be drained.
maximum temperature at discharging condensate
Under highest working pressure, The highest temperature when the hot condensed water can constantly be drained.
subcooled temperature
Abs of the difference of the condensed water temperature and the saturation temperature under the corresponding pressure
subcooled temperature of opening valve
Abs of the difference of the opening-valve temperature and the saturation temperature under the corresponding pressure
subcooled temperature of close-valve
Abs of the difference of the close-valve temperature and the saturation temperature under the corresponding pressure
maximum subcooled temperature
The maximum of opening valve subcooled temperature
minimum subcooled temperature
The maximum of close valve subcooled temperature
3.3 related displacement terms
cold condensate capacity
In a given pressure differential and 20 degrees centigrade conditions steam trap an hour can row The maximum weight of condensate
hot condensate capacity
In a given pressure differential and temperature conditions steam trap an hour can row The maximum weight of condensate
3.4 Steam leakage quantity and the rate of loading terms
steam loss
Unit time steam trap transudate fresh steam
no-load steam loss
Steam trap is completely before under the condition of saturated steam leakage quantity of steam.
load steam loss
Given under the load of the steam trap steam leakage
rate of no-load steam loss
No load and corresponding steam leakage under the pressure of the maximum thermal water flow percentage
rate of load steam loss
With steam leakage is load test time heat water displacement of actual percentage
rate of load
The actual test time heat water displacement and stress testing under the maximum thermal water flow percentage.
4 structure length
4.1 classification
Steam trap classification of GB/T12247 regulation.
4.2 structure length
2 the flange steam trap structure, its length size according to table 1 and table 2 of the deviation according to the limit.
Table 1 flange steam trap structure length in millimeters
Nominal diameter DN series structure length
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
15 150 170 175 210 230 250 290 480
20 195
25 160 210 215 230 310 380 580
32 230 270 245 320 350 270 450
40 260 420 280 490 680
50 265 500 290 560
65 290 340 410 450 550 572 580

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